Cry of distress from the wilderness

The illegal poaching of wildlife is a significant problem threatening the existence of several species of animals in Tanzania. Setting traps is the primary method of illegal animal hunting, using nets constructed from wire pieces formed into circles and tied at the bottom, and placed in areas with high animal activity. The main goal is to kill wildlife for various reasons, including bushmeat and other economic and cultural activities. In this type of hunting, various large and small animals have been targeted, including lions, buffaloes, antelopes, and even rhinos, all of which are adversely affected by this form of illegal hunting in Tanzania.

In the recently written article by the writer and conservation activist specialized in wildlife management, Mr. Hillary Mrosso, it illustrates how the problem of illegal hunting using wire snares has significantly contributed to the decrease in the number of lions in the national parks of Tanzania.

Mr. Hillary Mrosso demonstrating how wire snares capture animals.


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