Sokoine University of Agriculture – Development Corridors Partnership (DCP) Project Meeting

Sokoine University of Agriculture Development Corridors Partnership DCP Project Meeting tanzania

Partners from Tanzania, Kenya, China and UK are coming together to build capacity so development corridor decision-making can be based on sound scientific evidence and effective use of available planning tools and procedures.

The Partnership will build capacity among researchers, practitioners, government and private sector actors to deliver sustainable development corridors in East Africa. This will include increasing availability of the best tools and analyses and the skill to use them.

The SUA DCP project team conducted a one-day planning meeting on 11th July 2019 at SUA, where among others, the following critical issues were discussed:

  1. Progress feedback from each PDRA, RA and Project Assistants
  2. Overview on SUA-DCP project workplan
  3. SAGCOT- Kilombero Cluster Profile and SUA Workplan
  4. Planning for SUA-DCP baseline study in Mbarali and Kilombero Clusters

Sokoine University of Agriculture Development Corridors Partnership DCP Project Meeting tanzania

Chairman of the meeting Prof. Pantaleo Munishi giving meeting open remarks

Presentation of activities progress from each PDRA RA and Project Assistants DCP

Presentation of activities progress from each PDRA, RA and Project Assistants

Prof. Japhet Kashaigili presenting overview of SUA DCP project workplan

Prof. Japhet Kashaigili presenting overview of SUA-DCP project workplan

Discussion of SAGCOT Kilombero Cluster Profile and SUA Workplan

Discussion of SAGCOT- Kilombero Cluster Profile and SUA Workplan

Key Meeting Action points

  1. PDRAs and RAs to make sure their study and the collection of data address the project outputs.
  2. Project Assistants to facilitate the communication within SUA team and project partners.
  3. PDRAs to make sure that the coming recruited RAs research topics addresses the project outputs.
  4. Project Assistants to send reminder to Co-PIs and project team member on key milestone as per the agreed plan and timeline.
  5. PDRA and RA to prepare matrix table showing alignment of SAGCOT climate adaptation strategy and DCP-SUA work plan. It has to be ready by the 15th July 2019.
  6. PDRA and RA to harmonize the data collection tool to capture the required information on Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and SAGCOT climate adaptation as much as possible. It has to be ready by the 17th July 2019.
  7. Project team to be trained on ODK before going for field work. Mathew Langeni from WWF-Tanzania will lead the training. It has to be ready by the 18th July 2019.
  8. SUA team to meet on Tuesday 16th July 2019 to finalize the fieldwork planning including selection of study areas.

The Development Corridors Partnership project will run until December 2021 and it is funded by the UK Research Council’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF).

For more information please contact

Co-PIs: Prof. P.K.T Munishi and Prof.  J.J. Kashaigili

Sokoine University of Agriculture

Development Corridors Partnership Project,

College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism,

PO Box 3009, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro, Tanzania or

Get in touch

Visit Project Website at:


Twitter: @devcorridors




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