SUA bachelor of tourism students thank management for successful visit to parliament in Dodoma

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First, Second and Third year, Bachelor of Tourism students from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) have thanked the University management for making their academic visit to Parliament a success.

The thanks were given by the student representative of the Bachelor of Tourism, Mr. Sayori Latajewo on the day of the presentation of the budget speech of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism in parliament on 4/6/2021 in Dodoma region.

“We would like to thank SUA management through the Department of Tourism and recreation under the leadership of Dr. Agnes Sirima and Dr. John Thomas Mgonja for guiding us well and ensuring that our visit is carried out as intended as we have learned various things related to the National and International Tourism Sector,” said Mr. Latajewo.

He said that through the hearing of various contributions from honorable members of the parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania and the Natural Resources and Tourism Committee, the students were able to witness and learn how the parliamentary system operates under the Speaker Hon. Job Ndugai.

In addition, Mr. Latajewo thanked the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism under Minister Hon. Dr. Damas Daniel Ndumbaro for the invitation as it is a great honor for them, the Department of Tourism and Reception, and for the University as a whole.

A total of 35 SUA first, second and third year Bachelor of Tourism students had the opportunity to make a one-day visit to the Dodoma Parliament for the purpose of learning.

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