World Migratory Bird Day 2023

World Migratory Bird Day 2023 highlights the importance of Water for Migratory Birds.

The Department of Wildlife Management, Sokoine University of Agriculture joins the world to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day 2023 today October 14th, under the theme, “Water: Sustaining Bird Life.”  Every year, World migrating Bird Day is celebrated to raise awareness on the need for the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats. It has a global outreach and is an effective tool to help raise global awareness of the threats faced by migratory birds, their ecological importance, and the need for international cooperation to conserve them.

As researchers and conservationist we understand that, Migratory birds are remarkable creatures that connect different parts of the world. They contribute to the balance of ecosystems and are indicators of the health of our planet. By celebrating World Migratory Bird Day and embracing the theme “Water: Sustaining Bird Life,” we can make a positive impact on the lives of these incredible birds.


The theme for this year’s celebration, “Water: Sustaining Bird Life,” reminds us the connection between water and migratory birds. The vast majority of migratory birds rely on aquatic ecosystems during their life cycles. Inland and coastal wetlands, rivers, lakes, streams, marshes, and ponds are all vital for feeding, drinking, or nesting, and also as places to rest and refuel during their long journeys.

More information on the world Migratory Bird Day website can be accessed through


“Celebrate our migratory birds 365 days a year!”

