Dissertations and Theses


The current students who undertake various postgraduate degrees in the Department, their respective research titles and Supervisors are found here below:

Current masters students

ADVENTINA NYANYOBE ANTHONY Influence of habitats characteristics on the abundance and diversity of rodent community in Kimboza Forest Reserve MSc 2024 Dr Mbije
LYUVALE MARYO C. Influence of vegetation types on birds diversity, Mbomipa WMA MSc 2024 Dr .Mbije,Dr Soka
AHMAD ADAM NYAGONGO Assessment of health status of the Lukosi river catchment, Iringa Tanzania Msc 2024 Prof. V.G Ndibalema, Dr. M.C.S Lalika
BEEVANS BISEKO BISEKO Factors Influencing population ecology of two sympatric antelopes (Gerenuk and Grant’s Gazelle) in the Lake Natron-Ngorogoro Msc. 2024 Prof. Alfan Rija, Dr. Muganda Michael
BRUDA EVARISTO Assessment of factors affecting dung beetles species composition and distribution in Nyerere National Park, Morogoro- Tanzania Msc. 2024 Dr. Geofrey Soka, Dr. Emmanuel Masenga
BRYTON A.MUSHI Assessment of Rodents community ecology and Habitats association in Pugu-Kazimzumbwi forest reserve MSc. 2024 Dr. Amani Kitegile, Dr. Christopher Sabuni
DINAH J.LYAKA Vegetation cover and habitat characteristics on butterfly diversity , Msolwa, Nyerere National Park Msc. 2024 Dr. Emmanuel Mbije
ELISANTE AZAELI KIMAMBO Assessment of ecosystem services of sacred forest and their contribution to sustainable development goals in the north Pare Mountains MSc. 2024 Prof. P.K.T. Munishi, Dr. Sayuni Mariki
GRACE JOSEPH MCHOME Trialling the efficacy of solar powered strobe lights, beehives and metal strips fencing as elephant deterrents in Kilombero valley, Tanzania Msc. 2024 Prof. Hassan Shombe, Dr. Sayuni Mariki
HERIETH M MKOMWA Tracking of Rodents movement in rural communities in Kilombero District, Tanzania Msc. 2024 Prof. Rhodes Makundi , Prof. Steve Belmain, Prof. Alfan Rija
HOUGHTON H. MENDI Assessment of human carnivores conflicts in Simanjiro plains, Manyara region MSc. 2024 Prof. Vedasto Ndibalema, Dr. Nsajigwa Mbije
LYAKA DINAH J. Vegetation cover and habitat characteristics on butterfly diversity , Msolawa, Nyerere National Park Msc. 2024 Dr. Emmanuel Mbije
MAUREEN F.N. DAFFA Spatial temporal assessment of Puku Kobus vardoni in Kilombero game reserve, Tanzania MSc. 2024 Dr. Robert Byamungu, Dr. Michael Muganda
MUHSIN J.MULIRO Diversity of rodents and Shrew, their ectoparasite and haemoparasites prevalence in and around Nilo Nature Reserve, Tanga Region MSc. 2024 Prof. Vedasto G. Ndibalema, Prof. Abdul S. Katakweba
ABDUL FADILI MKELEMI Influence of Forest Restoration on the prevalence of rodent-borne zoonotic haemoparasites in the Bunduki Forest Corridor, Mvomero MSc. 2024 Dr. Robert Byamungu, Dr. Amani Kitegile, Dr. Christopher Sabuni
ABDULRAHMAN H. SONGWE Gastointestinal helminthes and risk factors of health in humans consuming greater cane rat meat in uluguru mountains ecosystem MSc. 2024 Prof. Alfan Rija, Dr. Sayuni Mariki
DENIS ERNEST MLAPONI Diversity and Habitat association of rodents in the Burigi-Chato National Park MSc. 2024 Prof. Rhodes Makundi, Dr. Rose Kicheleri
EZRA PETER MREMI The Effect of Land Cover Change on Trophy Hunting, Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania MSc. 2024 Prof. Felister M.Mombo, Dr. Michael Muganda
FRED STEPHEN TWEVE Assessment of population ecology of Puku in Rukwa Game Reserve, Tanzania Msc. 2024 DR. Sayuni Mariki, Dr. Rose Kicheleri, Dr. Michael Muganda
GLORY GEODFREY BAKARI Assessment of different land use cover types influence on birds assemblage in Mgeta riverine ecosystem MSc. 2024 Prof. Alfan Rija, Dr. Amani Kitegile, Dr. Robert Byamungu
IRENE SAMWEL URASSA Influence of  mobile communication  exchange on human carnivore conflict, Monduli district, Northern Tanzania MSc. 2024 Prof. Alfan Rija, Prof. Sharadhuli Kimera
MOSHA  MICHAEL S. Ecological impacts of false umbrella thorn ( Acacia reficiens) invasion in Enduiment Wildlife Management, Tanzania MSc. 2024 Dr. Geofrey Soka, Prof. Vedasto Ndibalema
NEEMA E. RUSANA Assessment of the management of miombo woodland forests for sustainable utilization and conservation MSc. 2024 Prof. Felister Mombo, Prof. Johanna Bergman, Dr. Sayuni Mariki
PERPETUA NG’HONGE MDONGO The effect of Livestock keeping to pastoralists livelihoods in Miombo woodlands in Kilosa, Kilombero and Handeni districts, Tanzania MSc. 2024 Prof. FElister M.Mombo, Dr. Sayuni Mariki
UPENDO DAUDI MOLLEL Influence of habitat types on composition and distribution of rodents in Wami-Mbiki Game Reserve MSc. 2024 Prof. Apia Massawe, Dr. Geofrey Soka

Current PhD students

ABRAHAM BIRARA DESALEGN Community Ecology of Rodents in the Guassa Menz Community Conservation area, Ethiopia PhD 2025 Prof. Alfan Rija, Prof Abdul A.S. Katakweba
DEUSDEDITH BWENGE FIDELIS The indirect effects of  human-elephant interactions in communities adjacent to Mikumi National Park PhD 2024 Prof. Vedasto G. Ndibalema, Dr. Robert Byamungu , Prof. Reuben M.J.Kadigi
GLORY HENRY SHAYO Ecology and Genetic Structure of Subterranean rodents in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania PhD 2024 DR. Geofrey soka, Dr, Charles Mossses, Dr. Jestina Venance Katandukila
KIROS WELEGERIMA Community ecology of small mammals (rodents  and Shrews) in the Afromontane in Tigray , nothern Ethiopia PhD 2025 Prof. Rhodes Makundi
LETICIA JOHN MUSESE Population Ecology of Myomorph rodents and their associated Ectoparasites in East Usambara Mountains,Tanzania PhD 2024 DR. Amani Kitegile, Dr. Charles Kilawe
MWAJABU SELEMANI Ecological determinants and prevalence of leptospirosis in rodents in Kilombero valley Tanzania PhD 2024 Prof. Rhodes Makundi, Prof. Abdul Ktakweba, DR. Sandra Telfer
PRISCA NELSON  KAHANGWA Ecology of African giant pouched rats and it’s influence on prevalence of Leptospirosis in Ngorongoro Conservation area PhD 2024 Prof. Abdul Katakweba, Dr. Amani Kitegile
VENANCE THEOPHIL MSOFFE Genomic analysis of zoonotic potential of rodents and their ectoparasites and across-species sharing across selected human-willdife interfaces, Tanzania PhD 2024 Prof. Gerald Misinzo, Prof. Erick Komba
SSUUNA JAMES Effect of habitat disturbance on population dynamics and community structure of rodents in Mabira central Forest Reserve, Uganda PhD 2024 Prof Rhodes Makundi, Dr Prof Alfan Rija
MUNGO K. NGALAMENO Reproductive biology of the African giant pouched rat (Cricetomys gambianus) from Morogoro municipal, Tanzania PhD 2024 Prof Ruziga
SALUM R. KULUNGE The contribution of wildlife based tourism to wildlife conservation and livelihoods PhD 2025 Dr. Nsajigwa E. Mbije, DR. Sayuni Mariki and Dr. Darragh Hare (University of Oxford )

Graduated Postgraduate students.

The names of Graduated Postgraduate students and the respective supervisors, title of the research and the year graduated for Masters degree and PhD respectively are indicated  below:

SOLO B. MWASAPI Effect of forest restoration on population and community structure of rodents in Lulanda Forest Reserve, Mufindi-Tanzania MSc 2021 Prof Alfan Rija
HILLARY MROSSO Assessment of trade flows of wildlife products: The Case of Ruaha Landscape, Tanzania MSc. 2022 Prof. Japhet J.Kashaigili, Dr. Rose P. Kicheleri
TECLA M.SIRILO Diversity of non-volant terrestrial small mammals in Mafia, Tanzania Msc. 2023 Dr. Nsajigwa E. Mbije, Dr. Christopher Sabuni
ALPHONCE ECHUMBA Ectoparasites on Rodents and Shrews from Mount Kilimanjaro MSc. 2023 Prof. Vedasto Ndibalema, Prof. Abdul Katakweba
VAINESS SOLOMON LAIZER Breeding Success and nesting preferences of the crittically endangered white backed vulture in Ikorongo-Grumeti Game Reserves Msc 2024 Dr. Robert Byamungu , Prof. Shombe Hassan
IRENE J. LAIZER Effects of Human Elephants interactions at water sharing points in villages adjacent to Rungwa-Kizigo-Muhesi Game Reseve, Tanzania MSc. 2024 Dr. Robert Byamungu, Dr. Rose Kicheleri
IRENE ROMANUS MKUDE Diversity of Rodents and Shrews and Prevalence of their Parasites in Zaraninge Forest and Gongo village in Saadani Ecosystem,Tanzania Msc. 2024 Prof. Abdul Ktakweba , Dr. Sayuni Mariki
YOHANA FOYA Community’s Knowledge of the Impacts and Health Risks of Illegal Hunting and Trade in National Park Tanzania MSc 2024 Prof S. Hassan and Prof Alfan A. Rija
SHADIA IBRAHIM KILWANILA Population genetics and ecology of canerats in the eastern Arc Mountain, Tanzania PhD 2023 Prof. Alfan Rija, Dr. Charles Lyimo
SUZANA MEI THOMAS Community ecology of rodents in West Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania PhD 2023 Dr. Geofrey Soka,Prof.Loth S. Mulungu
AMINA RAMADHANI ISSAE Metagenomic Assessment of Pathogens and Community Awareness of rodent-borne diseases focused on the Rift Valley fever in Ngorongoro  district, Tanzania PhD 2024 Prof. Christopher Kasanga, Prof. Abdul Katakweba, DR. Rose Kicheleri
CLAUS AUGUSTINO THOMAS Rodent Borne Pathogens Infecting Mastomys natalensis in selected areas of Morogoro and Iringa, Tanzani PhD 2024 Prof. Robert Machangu, Dr. Isaac Makundi, Prof. Herwig Leirs
GENET BERHE GEBREZGIHER Ecology of small mammals and their ectoparasites in mount Meru, Tanzania: insights for biodiversity conservation PhD 2024 Prof R. Makundi, Prof Yonas Meheretu, Prof Abdul Katakweba
STELLA KESSY Ecology of Rodents and flea ectoparasites in Plague foci, Mbulu district, Northern Tanzania PhD 2024 Prof. Apia Massawe, Prof. Alfan Rija
UPENDO RICHARD Population ecology small mammals in Mount Rungwe Forest Nature Reserve PhD 2024 Dr. Robert Byamungu , Prof. Flora Magige (UDSM)
EGIDIUS JAMES RWEBUGA Community Ecology of Rodents in natural and agricultural landscape in Western Serengeti,Tanzania PhD 2024 Prof. Shombe N.Hassan, Prof. Alfan A.Rija and Prof. Loth A. Mulungu