Paulo Lyimo


An increasing number of business leaders express concerns about the survival of their companies in the next decade due to the combined pressures of climate change and advancing technology, according to a recent survey by consulting company PwC. The survey, released on January 15, gathered insights from over 4,700 chief executive officers (CEOs) across 105...
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Urban areas face an urgent need to enhance their resilience in response to escalating temperatures. Rapid adaptation and proactive measures are imperative to mitigate the impact of climate change on these densely populated regions. As temperatures continue to rise, addressing the vulnerabilities of urban environments becomes a critical priority to ensure the well-being of their...
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a transformative force in the fight against climate change, revolutionizing approaches across multiple sectors. From optimizing energy consumption and facilitating renewable energy integration to enhancing climate modeling and predicting extreme weather events, AI is at the forefront of driving sustainable solutions. It aids in the decarbonization of industries, supports eco-friendly...
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Climate change poses a formidable challenge to our planet and demands innovative solutions and collaborative efforts across society. With the surge in greenhouse gases, soaring temperatures, and extreme weather events, addressing climate change has become more crucial than ever before. Technology, particularly AI, plays a pivotal role in this fight. With its ability to process...
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Establishing financial goals without the necessary revenues and systems to fulfill them is a potential source of disappointment. However, this year holds a historic and distinct significance. Climate finance has perennially been a key focus at the start of each year, but the current circumstances present a unique opportunity for either significant success or failure....
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Fire ants, considered one of the world’s most invasive species, are exploiting floodwaters to form rafts and spread across storm-affected areas in Australia, particularly in south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales. The Invasive Species Council (ISC) warns that this unusual rafting behavior indicates a surge in fire ant densities in the region, prompting communities...
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Scotland’s forestry sector is raising alarm over potential budget cuts that could severely impact the country’s climate change targets related to new woodland development. Both Woodland Trust Scotland and the industry body, Confor, highlight concerns that a grant scheme designed to incentivize tree planting faces cuts exceeding £32 million or 41%. Despite the Scottish government...
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People’s Park Complex, built in the 1970s as South-east Asia’s first multi-use complex, may be proposed for conservation in view of its high heritage significance, said the urban planning authorities. The move was welcomed by heritage groups, which have urged that the building be saved, but it may impact a second attempt at a collective...
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Otters are sometimes described as the “tigers of the mangrove” in Southeast Asia, where they’re well-known to display extraordinary resilience and adaptability to human activity and urbanization. A new camera-trap study now highlights the importance of expanses of natural habitat, such as coastal forests and wetlands, for two species of otter living along southern Thailand’s...
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In the pursuit of setting conservation priorities and assessing protection activities, detailed species conservation statuses play a crucial role, often relying on assessments such as the International Union for Conservation’s Red List of Threatened Species. However, these assessments typically demand extensive data, substantial time, and expertise. de Lima et al. introduced an innovative, quantitative method...
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