A New Funding Opportunity for 3 African Landscapes

The AFR100 Initiative seeks to show that restoration can create a prosperous, net-zero-emissions future for Africa. Therefore, the initiative will finance 100 non-profit community organizations and for-profit businesses that are restoring land by planting and growing trees in rural and urban landscapes. Early-stage for-profit businesses or non-profit organizations can apply for US$50 thousand to US$150 thousand. Growth stage organizations can apply for US$250 thousand to US$500 thousand. Deadline to submit Expressions of Interest is 05 May 2023. Plant a tree

African leaders recognize that the degradation of 65% of the continent’s agricultural land threatens economic and environmental ruin for millions of farmers. At the same time, the effects of climate change – lower crop yields, erratic rainfall, prolonged droughts – are making life harder for millions of people. That’s why African countries have pledged to begin restoring 100 million hectares of degraded land by 2030 through AFR100.

Thousands of local innovators are now pioneering project and business models that show that restoration can create a prosperous, nature-positive future for Africa. Local leadership is key because communities manage nearly 70% of African land, and they know how to build ecologically and socially sustainable projects.

These leaders need support. That is why a group of ambitious donors capitalized TerraFund for AFR100 to finance the top 100 African non-profit community organizations and for-profit businesses that are restoring trees to suitable African landscapes. After an extensive selection process, they provided funding of $50,000 to $500,000 in the form of grants and loans to each of these innovators.

These restoration champions employ a wide variety of tree-based restoration techniques, ranging from agroforestry (growing trees on farms to improve food security) through assisted natural regeneration (helping trees grow back to revitalize biodiversity).

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