New publication

Woody Species Composition, Structure, Regeneration Status and Carbon Storage of Mkulazi Forest Reserve in Tanzania

Ezekiel E. Mwakalukwa1*, Christoganus John1,2 and Paulo J. Lyimo1

1Department of Ecosystems and Conservation, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism,

Sokoine University of Agriculture, P.O Box 3010 Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro, Tanzania

2Tanzania Forest Services (TFS) Agency, Magamba Nature Forest Reserve,  P.O. Box 88, Lushoto, Tanzania

*Corresponding Author email:

Received 12 Jul 2023, Revised 27 Dec 2023, Accepted 15 Jan 2024, Published Jan 2024



Little is known about the status of forest condition and carbon storage potential of the Mkulazi Forest Reserve (MFR) located in Morogoro District, Tanzania. This study was conducted to assess i) woody species composition, richness and diversity, ii) stand structure, iii) regeneration status and iv) carbon storage. Data collection for vegetation involved establishment of 100 concentric circular sample plots in the forest area of 65,710 ha. A total of 54 plant species for trees and shrubs with DBH ≥ 5 cm that belongs to 20 plant families were identified. The diversity of woody species was high (H’ = 3.11), while  Stem density was 336 ± 126 stems ha1, basal area was 9.48 ± 2.88 m2ha-1 and stand volume was 96.22 ± 32.51 m3ha-1. For the regeneration with DBH < 5 cm, a total of 26 plant species belonging to 11 plant families were identified. The diversity of woody species was also high (H’ = 3.14) and stem density was 1,198 ± 847 stems ha-1. The mean carbon stocks above ground for trees and shrubs with DBH ≥ 5 cm were 32.13 ± 10.91 Mg C ha-1 and that of below ground were 11.84 ± 3.58 Mg C ha-1. The observed high diversity of woody species, regeneration status and relatively high carbon storage potential signifies the importance of continuing protecting this reserve.

Keywords:    Diversity, human activities, forest condition, Morogoro, wet miombo woodlands.

Mwakalukwa et al 2023-1

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

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