Value chain development for selected forest-based products to enhance community livelihoods

The contribution of forest resources to livelihoods is explained in terms of benefits which are derived from forests by rural communities through undertaking various human activities such as agriculture, livestock grazing, beekeeping, charcoal making and firewood collection, lumbering, and wildlife hunting. These activities are supported by land, forest resources and water.

Forests play a vital role in supplying products and services for agriculture, livestock keeping, domestic needs and some other livelihood activities. For livestock, forests provide grasses and leaves for fodder, and leaf-litter for animal bedding. For agriculture animal manure and bedding is composted to maintain soil fertility. Forest provides a range of edible NWFPs, which are consumed directly as food such as wild fruits, mushrooms, wild meat and wild vegetables. Forests also supply raw materials for agricultural implements (such as ploughs and knives) and the charcoal needed by blacksmiths to make them.


Global Biodiversity Information Facility

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