FBE 602 Landscape Ecology

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the course student should be able to

  • Use landscape concept in analysis of environmental consequences of human activities
  • Study these human activities in environmental perspectives.

Course Content

Concepts of the emergence of landscape ecology in the history of ecology, heterogeneity in ecological systems, human activities and landscape transformation, multidisciplinary approach to landscape ecology, landscape structure and dynamics (analysis of spatial structures, the dynamics of landscapes and organization of landscape), ecological processes within landscapes (functioning of populations at the landscape level, inter-specific relationships and geochemical flows in landscapes and applications of landscape ecology concepts to landscape management and design.

Required reading

Burel, F.and Baudry, J. 2003. Landscape Ecology: Concepts, Methods and Applications. Science Publishers, INC Enfield (NH), USA. 362 pp.

Recommended reading

Krebs, C.J. (1989). Ecological Methodology, Harper Collins Publishers, New York, 654pp